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  • Furfuryl alcohol

    Furfuryl Alcohol is a irritant, steam has irritation for eyes, the liquid can cause eye inflammation and corneal opacity. Skin contact with its liquid, causing dry skin and irritation; heavy concentrations of continuous inhalation cause cough, shortn

  • Tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol

    Has micro smell and has hygroscopicity, can miscible with water, alcohol, acetone, chloroform and benzene, immiscible with paraffin hydrocarbon.

  • 2-Methylfuran

    Its vapor and air can form explosive mixtures, which can be easily ignited by open fire and high heat.Contact with oxidant to react violently.Exposure to air or under light conditions can produce peroxides with potentially explosive potential.Its vap

  • 2-Methyl tetrahydrofuran

    Highly flammable and may produce explosive peroxides that irritate the eyes and respiratory system. Keep away from fire. After contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. Take measures to prevent static electr

  • Furfural

    It can be used lubricating oil refining, furfuryl alcohol production by hydrogenation, making several organic chemical products, such as medicine pesticide. It is utilized as a solvent in petroleum industry.

  • delta-valerolactone

    δ-valerolactone is a multi-purpose fine chemical intermediate, widely used in pharmaceutical intermediates (such as for the synthesis of pyranidine, cilostazol, etc.), flavors and fragrances, polyester, polyurethane, special solvents, coatings and ot

  • N- methyl pyrrolidone

    As a high-selective solvent, NMP has such advantages as non-toxicity, high boiling point, low corrosion, high solubility, low viscosity, low volatility and good stability and easy to recovery. NMP is widely used in senior lubricating oil refining, po

  • 1,2- Pentanediol

    1,2-Pentanediol is used as an intermediate chemical for active ingredients. It is used to produce propiconazole pesticide and surfactant. ? The Cosmetic grade is odor and color-free for use as a solvent in cosmetic and other quality-sensitive form

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